Sunday, January 28, 2007

Considerations When Creating BizTalk Projects

We had Covast EDI schemas about 29 MB in BizTalk Project and when we try to build it in Visual studio 2005 throwed error " CS0013 "Unexpected error writing metadata to file " the reason is the limitation of file size.Microsoft has recommended for 10 mb for a biztalk project.For more Information

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

More about Biztalk 2006 Pass thru pipeline in a map,Deployment process,host instances

I was working on a application where i need to use a pass thru pipeline and i need to apply a map to change a value in the incoming data, but the map didnt get applied in send port or receive port, the reason is when you use pass thru the maps will not get applied, work around ...
use orchestration and apply the map or create custom pipeline so that whole data is in xml type and apply maps in send port or receive ports.Same is the case when you use covast edi accelerator for biztalk we need to use covast pipeline components so that edi is converted into xml's....
Changing the file name in sharepoint adapter uses %filename% macro while all other adapters use %sourcefilename%, this can be done in expression shape such as message(wss.filename)=customname and use filename macro in sharepoint adapter..
I came to know that sharepoint 3 is not supported until bts2006 r2 if any one know has worked on this area please ping me on this post for sharepoint configuration

Biztalk deployment process and Host instances

Make sure biztalk host instances in dev and in prod environments are same,when you configure biztalk the host instances security levels are same if not when you try to import the binding file or an msi it will fail.You can change the biztalk server application as trusted in administration console by adding one more instance make that one has default process and we can change the original biztalk server application to trusted.Will need to change the receive handlers also...If you any one wants to know more about please ping on this forum...

Creating MSI application
Creating an application A and all your artifacts in respective folders such as pipelines ,maps ,schemas, orchestrations
And when you create application B and you want refer one of the components for eg pipelines in Application A than the pipleline component has to be in A, its confusing .......

BizTalk Native edi adapter doesnt support batching

When you have multiple ST's in GS envelope native edi adapter process only the first occurence of ST gets processed and this scenario we didnt capture at the last moment, i believe R2 will support batching process like hipaa accelrator and covast edi accelerators

Thats it for now